Perosonal and Business Email from Gujarat.Email
  • Main Page

    Gujarat.Email deliver the highest standards of security, privacy and reliability for your email, calendars and contacts, backed up by our exemplary 27+ years of Technology experience. Time to move away from FREE Email service providers.

    We have all learned our lessons of not using FREE email service providers. Having our own personal and secure email doesn't cost more than 2 cup of Chai per day or 2 Pan-masala per day. Why do we want to share our personal details and Business transactions with FREE email providers.

    Call us today for a secure email service that gives you complete freedom.
    We DO NOT sale your data.
    We DO NOT sale your contact or calendar data.
    We DO NOT sale your business emails to third parties.

  • Latest News

    Additional email encryption services are now provided along with Professional Email to protect your information from prying eyes.

    Computer Hardnening
    We will help you with Hardnening your Computer to protect your valuable information. Providing training on secure use of computer for your Staff.

    Mobile Configuration & Hardnening
    Mobile has become a valuable piece of Hardware for every individuals and business - Protecting information on Mobile is what we do.

  • Our Services


    Our support services are top-most - a hard to get in INDIA. Customer first, always.


    Emailing to clients, CA's or Tax consultants - Security of your email is important.


    Email someone most intimate with you without worrying about Privacy & Security.


    Easy to use Calendar that syncs with your iPhone or an Android Phone. Top of the line Email services.

  • Products

    Get your email reserved today with - Low cost solutions designed to provide Privacy, Security and Performant email services.


    Email services with your Custom Domain are available for very affordable cost. Cost of professional email is not more than 2 chai's per day - get it today.

    Custom Email Solutions

    Our focus is just email, email and email. We provide custom email solutions per your need, be it 1 Inbox or 1000 Email boxes - contact us today to get more details.

  • Contact Us

    Please drop us an email at for more information.

copyright @Gujarat.Email